Our Rags – Our ethical clothes

Our Pledge

Our pledge to you and the world is simple.  We will never make or sell any article that includes materials not ethical and cruelty free.  We will also never use manufacturers or any businesses that employ children and / or slave labor.


ethicalrags.com - ethical clothes for responsible people

ethical clothes

We are heart sick by how the big retail companies of chosen to have their apparel made by children in sweat shops.  Children should be playing, not sewing!

To make our stand, we’ve decided to make a donation to PETA with every piece of clothing we sell.  We’re not in this ourselves, and we want to do our part.



Our Goals

We’re starting small, but thinking big. We mean REALLY big.  Our goal is to get people to recognize the importance of responsible, ethical living, including their buying choices in clothing.  Ethical clothes takes materials without animal content or other cruelty. It takes harvesting, manufacturing and transportation that is child and slave free.  It takes dedication to keep things ethical.  We WILL keep to our goals and pledges.


ethicalrags.com - beautiful animals in the wild


Foxes are beautiful animals.  They should be seen in the wild, NOT hanging around someone’s neck

ethicalrags.com does NOT support this!


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Come on in and see what we’ve got for you! Our fashions range from the traditional to the ultra-modern, so there’s something for everyone to appreciate. Conservative or fashion-forward, you can find great fashions that fit your lifestyle and make you feel comfortable and happy.

Our customers are very important to us, and we’re deeply committed to making sure you get the fashion and style you’re looking for. Come see what we can do for you today!

Watch for our “Maple Tree” logo.  You’ll be seeing it pop up in all sorts of places and on all sorts of people.  Hey, we’re all doing what we can.

We need your help





Are our clothes a bit more expensive?  Yup.  Is it worth something to save our planet and our children? Absolutely YES!





Support ALL manufacturers and sellers of ethical goods.  Especially us… we’re quite proud of what we do!

Support us by telling your friends about us please.



Help Us and Win


WE NEED YOUR HELP to spread the word about what we are doing. Send us a pic of you or someone in one of our shirts or hats and we’ll enter you in a monthly draw for a $100 gift certificate. To enter, post your pic on twitter with the tag #ethicalrags



Show it off


Who says you can’t be ethical and responsible and still be stylish?  Check us out.  You’ll see what we mean.